≡ 10 Ultimate Bad Boy/Good Girl On-Screen Couples 》 Her Beauty

10 Ultimate Bad Boy/Good Girl On-Screen Couples


Sometimes, we’re presented with clichés in a film – one of the biggest ones being the good girl meets bad boy dynamic. We know in real life it’s a little more complicated than that, but we can still dream about changing that emotionally unavailable cutie in a leather jacket, can’t we?

1. 10 Things I Hate About You, Patrick and Katarina

In this movie, one girl’s dad only lets her date if her loner sister Kat does as well. Hence, she bullies Kat into dating the school’s resident bad boy, and the two end up falling madly in love.

2. Twilight, Bella and Edward

Edward is a vampire, and Bella is an innocent good girl who falls for his charming eyes. In a way, isn’t a vampire the ultimate bad boy to convert you to the dark side?

3. Crazy Stupid Love, Jacob and Hannah

Good girl Hannah is a law student with no time for drama. When typical womanizer Jacob tries to pick her up, she doesn’t fall for his usually foolproof charm. To distract himself, Jacob teaches a recent divorcee how to get laid – he just happens to be her dad.

4. Cruel Intentions, Annette and Sebastian

This teen drama is highly symbolic of the 90’s, and shows the lifestyles of wealthy teens at a private schools in NYC. Annette, aka Reese Witherspoon comes into this scene totally innocent, but doesn’t stay that way for long before bad boy Sebastian falls for her.
